  • Peter Richardson
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Summary: As the Beatles did in the 1960s, Michael Caine convinces Jack Nicholson, Joe Pesci, Al Pacino, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards to move to Stella Street, an unassuming residential area of Surrey. But along with the new neighbors com...
Runtime: 1 h 20 min

Language: English
Domestic: $ 4,119
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Summary: Terrorists and a rude waiter attack a politician and take over an exclusive London club.
Runtime: 1 h 30 min

Language: English
Domestic: $ 200,723
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Summary: A series of self contained television movies starring performers from London's "Comic Strip" comedy club and their friends. Noted for a high sense of parody of previous movies, literature, and generally everyone in sight.
Release Date: November 02, 1982
Genre: Comedy

Language: English