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Summary: Sabeltann is a pirate looking for a big treasure. Aboard Sabeltanns big ship, Den Sorte Dame, they are preparing for a long and dangerous journey.
Runtime: 1 h 15 min

Countries: Norway, Sweden
Movie budget: $ 41,500,000
Domestic: $ 105,152
International: $ 1,255,909

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Summary: Two young pirates on the search for a lost brother, a vampire with heavy sunburns, a shape shifting queen and a raging ape army. Captain Sabertooth will face plenty of challenges when he sets out to find a lost magic diamond.
Runtime: 1 h 21 min

Countries: Norway, Belgium
Language: Norwegian
Movie budget: $ 4,200,000
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Summary: The orphan boy Pinky follows the Captain on an exciting and dangerous journey across the big oceans to the kingdom of Lama Rama, hunting for a treasure and the answer to who is Pinky's father.
Runtime: 1 h 36 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Movie budget: $ 6,970,000
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Kaptein Sabeltann og Grusomme Gabriels skatt (2005)

Kaptein Sabeltann og jakten på den magiske diamant (2002)

Kaptein Sabeltann og den forheksede øya (2000)

Drømmen om kaptein Sabeltanns rike (1996)

Kaptein Sabeltann og hemmeligheten i Kjuttaviga (1994)

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