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Summary: A mix of news, features and interviews with notable figures in politics, business and entertainment.
Release Date: January 09, 2012
Genre: News
Runtime: 2 h 00 min

Production: CBS News
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: It will tackle challenges the world faces and is inspired by Chris Marker's iconic 1962 featurette La Jetée, about a time traveler who risks his life to change the course of history and save the future of humanity.
Runtime: 1 h 25 min

Language: English
Domestic: $ 5,078
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Summary: A soldier's unexpected arrival affects two women's simple existence.
Runtime: 1 h 29 min

Language: English
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Summary: In feudal India, a warrior (Khan) who renounces his role as the long time enforcer to a local lord becomes the prey in a murderous hunt through the Himalayan mountains.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min

Movie budget: $ 2,500,000
Domestic: $ 50,257
International: $ 310,178
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Laika (2021)

The Odyssey (2012)

Uneternal City (2008)

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