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Summary: Follows a joint team of American Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) agents and Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers who work together to investigate crimes involving the Navy in and around the Indo-Pacific Ocean in Au...
Release Date: November 14, 2023
Genre: Crime
Runtime: 0 h 43 min
MPAA: 14+

Language: English
White68.75%Black12.5%Asian6.25%Latino6.25%Mixed / Other6.25%
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Summary: Four Australian soldiers sent on a mission to a war-torn country are captured by freedom fighters and produce a hostage video that goes viral.
Release Date: September 27, 2023
Genre: Comedy

Country: Australia
Language: English
White77.78%Jewish5.56%Latino5.56%Arab5.56%Mixed / Other5.56%
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Optics (2025)

Actors: Peter Phelps, Vic Zerbst, and Jenna Owen

Plum (2024)

Actors: Brendan Cowell, Asher Keddie, and María Dupláa
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