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Summary: Bertrand Tavernier's personal journey through French cinema, from films he enjoyed as a boy to his own early career, told through portraits of key creative figures.
Runtime: 3 h 21 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: France
Language: French
Domestic: $ 52,214
International: $ 21,300

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Summary: A police department led by an older, experienced detective solves crimes together.
Release Date: April 11, 1977
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: West Germany
Language: German
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Two Men in Town (2014)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Le deuxième souffle (2007)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Mon père, il m'a sauvé la vie (2001)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Crime à l'altimètre (1996)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Mon ami le traître (1988)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Série noire (1984)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Umi e (1988)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Les loups entre eux (1985)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Le ruffian (1983)

Actors: Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker

Une robe noire pour un tueur (1981)

Actors: Claude Brasseur, Bruno Cremer, Annie Girardot, and Jacques Perrin

Les égouts du paradis (1979)

Actors: Claude Brasseur, Bruno Cremer, Annie Girardot, and Jacques Perrin

Comme un boomerang (1976)

Actors: Alain Delon

Le gitan (1975)

Actors: Alain Delon

Yadonashi (1974)

Actors: Alain Delon
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