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Summary: After the abolishment of the death penalty, California murderers are dumped on an island to spend the rest of their lives unsupervised. There, two groups are formed, one lead by a psychopath, and another group determined to bring ...
Runtime: 1 h 28 min

Production: Dimension Pictures
Distributor: Dimension Pictures
Country: United States
Language: English
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The Working Girls (1974)

Beyond Atlantis (1973)

Actors: Leigh Christian

Group Marriage (1972)

Actors: Leigh Christian

Sweet Sugar (1972)

Actors: Pamela Collins, Phyllis Davis, and Ellaraino

The Velvet Vampire (1971)

Actors: Pamela Collins, Phyllis Davis, and Ellaraino

The Student Nurses (1970)

Actors: Karen Carlson, Brioni Farrell, Elaine Giftos, and Barbara Leigh

It's a Bikini World (1967)

Actors: Karen Carlson, Brioni Farrell, Elaine Giftos, and Barbara Leigh

Mister Roberts (1965)

Actors: Karen Carlson, Brioni Farrell, Elaine Giftos, and Barbara Leigh
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