  • Production
  • Film Bangkok
Summary: Set right before the fall of Thailand's old capital, Ayuttaya, Bang Rajan draws on the legend of a village of fighters who bravely fended off the Burmese armies.
Runtime: 1 h 53 min
MPAA: 13+

Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Movie budget: $ 1,300,000
Domestic: $ 24,629
International: $ 3,106
Summary: With its loud acting style, exuberant sets and stunning shots in pastel colours, this Thai cult film is as much a parody as an homage to the Western and the romantic tearjerker.
Runtime: 1 h 50 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Domestic: $ 75,234
International: $ 62,938
Summary: The story is of a deaf-mute hitman and his partner who are based in Bangkok. He is friends with his partner's girlfriend who is a stripper at a local club. They go about their assassination business as usual as the boss climbs the...
Runtime: 1 h 45 min

Country: Thailand
Language: English