  • Distributor
  • K5 International
Summary: In this "Hunger Games" spoof, Kantmiss Evershot must fight for her life in the 75th annual Starving Games, in which she could also win an old ham, a coupon for a foot-long sub, and a partially-eaten pickle.
Runtime: 1 h 23 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 4,999,278
Summary: In post-World War II Denmark, a group of young German POWs are forced to clear a beach of thousands of land mines under the watch of a Danish Sergeant who slowly learns to appreciate their plight.
Runtime: 1 h 40 min

Countries: Denmark, Germany
Language: Danish
Movie budget: $ 35,500,000
Domestic: $ 435,266
International: $ 2,734,287