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Summary: Isometric grid-based strategic puzzle game for PC, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Linux, PS4 and PS Vita starring Agent 47, a master assassin tasked with completing various goals throughout the game's increasingly complex levels.

Country: Canada
Language: English
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Release Date: June 06, 2015
Genre: Adventure

Production: Marble Syrup
Country: United States
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Release Date: January 27, 2016
Genre: Adventure

Production: Marble Syrup
Country: United States
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Release Date: February 17, 2017
Genre: Adventure

Production: Marble Syrup
Country: United States
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Summary: Space marines take on xenomorphs from the Alien franchise who eradicated a space colony in this Arcade shooter.
Genres: Action, Sci-Fi

Production: Play Mechanix
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: The award-winning Medal of Honor franchise returns to the Game Boy Advance with Medal of Honor Infiltrator, an all new experience designed specifically for the platform.
Release Date: November 17, 2003
Genres: Action, Adventure, War

Production: Netherock
Language: English
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Summary: "Explore legendary Greenwich Village and discover the people, places and events that influenced Bob Dylan's music. "Sneak backstage at Bob Dylan's 30th anniversary concert and meet with the many celebrities who have come to celeb...
Release Date: February 21, 1995
Genre: Music

Production: Graphix Zone
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: One man's trash is another man's treasure. With all the treasure that's been collecting in the Netheruniverse, it's no wonder characters from Gust, Idea Factory and NIS have gathered together all in one place for a grand RPG adven...

Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
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Summary: Gather the seven Dragon Balls on your fantastic adventure.

Production: Tose
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
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Release Date: September 03, 2015

Production: Cygames
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
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Release Date: May 12, 2017
Genre: Fantasy

Language: English
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Summary: A letter is sent to the protagonist, telling them that they must go to the Mortlake Mansion. Upon entering the mansion, they are locked inside. They must now find an escape and uncover the mysteries of the mansion along the way.

Production: Stella Games
Country: Ukraine
Language: English
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Summary: Long ago, a warrior, Alexander the Great, imbued his crown, dagger and ring with powers. The powers are capable of harm. Now it's up to the protagonist, a descendant of the emperor, to collect all the artifacts and save the world.

Production: Stella Games
Country: Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
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Summary: Created by artist Buichi Terasawa, Takeru is a full-color computerized interactive manga. Follow the hero Takeru Ichimonji in his battle against an evil sorceress in the land of Yamato, sort of an amalgam of feudal and futuristic ...

Production: Fun Project
Country: Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Cooking Mama is back to teach people some new recipes. Play through a variety of recipes with fun mini games and post your prepared dish on social media.
Release Date: March 31, 2020

Language: English
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