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Summary: In this prequel to PS1 cyberpunk survival horror action adventure game Fear Effect (2000), Hana and her female partner and lover, Rain, who was absent during the original game, are tasked to rob a high security bio lab.

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Summary: In this cyberpunk survival horror game, a team of three mercenaries led by former prostitute Hana must locate the missing daughter of a Hong Kong triad boss, a girl supposedly destined to bring about the end of the world.

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Summary: Cardinal SYN is a fighting video game developed by Kronos Digital Entertainment.

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Summary: In Meat Puppet, you play the role of Lotus Abstraction in a darkly futuristic post-apocalyptic world. Lotus responded to a personal add claiming "help wanted for nocturnal missions". These "missions" turn out to be a far cry from ...

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Summary: The game features a sci-fi backstory that involves mystery and intrigue surrounding the crystal and each of the 8 fighters is given a unique storyline to explain why he or she is so interested in the artifact. Among the colorful c...

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