  • Madeleine L'Engle
Summary: After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Runtime: 1 h 49 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 100,000,000
Domestic: $ 100,478,608
International: $ 32,197,256
Summary: Based on a novel by Madeline L'Engle. During the summer her grandfather is dying of leukemia and death seems all around, 15-year-old Vicky finds comfort with the pod of dolphins with which she has been doing research.
Runtime: 1 h 28 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Summary: A young girl and her genius kid brother are aided by three curious witches in their search for their missing scientist father, captive of an omnipotent otherworldly villain simply called 'It' whose evil is slowly infecting the uni...
Runtime: 4 h 11 min

Countries: Canada, United States
Language: English