  • D. Daniel Vujic
Summary: China, 1860s: Having his army slaughtered, General Qingyun joins 2 bandit leaders in raids on rebels and in blood oath. They form a Qing loyal army with eyes on rebel held Suzhou and Nanjing.
Runtime: 2 h 06 min

Countries: Hong Kong, China
Language: Chinese
Movie budget: $ 40,000,000
Domestic: $ 129,078
International: $ 42,754,103
Summary: A wealthy Havana club owner and his family are torn apart by the violent sociopolitical upheaval brought about by the transition from the dictatorial regime of Batista to the Marxist revolution led by Fidel Castro in 1950s Cuba.
Runtime: 2 h 24 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 9,600,000
Domestic: $ 2,484,186
International: $ 1,923,825