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Summary: The evolution of a family from the last days of the Frankist dictatorship to the early 1980s.
Release Date: September 13, 2001
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Summary: The beginning of the pontificate of Lenny Belardo, alias Pius XIII, the first American Pope in history.
Release Date: October 11, 2016
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 0 h 55 min

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Summary: A gangster known as "Samurai" wants to turn the waterfront of Rome into a new Las Vegas. All the local mob bosses have agreed to work for this common goal. But peace is not to last long.
Runtime: 2 h 10 min

Countries: Italy, France
Language: Italian
Movie budget: $ 7,000,000
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Summary: In a ghetto run by a clan of outlaw gangs, the head preaches an "education" of mastering the illegal arts such as theft and banditry; while keeping a stringent code of honor that is considered ethical and moral and must never be b...
Runtime: 1 h 50 min

Country: Italy
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 30,000,000
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Summary: A mosaic of several intertwined stories questioning the meaning of life, love and hope, set during the last six days in the life of Eluana Englaro, a young woman who spent 17 years in a vegetative state.
Runtime: 1 h 55 min

Countries: Italy, France
Language: Italian
Movie budget: $ 5,700,000
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Summary: Two brothers come of age in a small Italian town in the '60s and '70s.
Runtime: 1 h 48 min

Countries: Italy, France
Language: Italian
Movie budget: $ 5,000,000
Domestic: $ 255,620
International: $ 12,638,442
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La casa degli sguardi (2024)

L'Oriana (2015)

Anni felici (2013)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

Volare - La grande storia di Domenico Modugno (2013)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

Romanzo di una strage (2012)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

Le cose che restano (2010)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

La nostra vita (2010)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

'O professore (2008)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

Romanzo Criminale (2005)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart

Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti (2005)

Actors: Micaela Ramazzotti and Kim Rossi Stuart
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