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A Self-Made Mongrel (1945)

Gabriel Churchkitten (1944)

Yankee Doodle Donkey (1944)

Actors: Jackson Beck and Jack Mercer

Moving Aweigh (1944)

Actors: Jackson Beck and Jack Mercer

I'm Just Curious (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

Pitchin' Woo at the Zoo (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

It's Nifty to Be Thrifty (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

Puppet Love (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

Spinach Packin' Popeye (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

Lucky Lulu (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

The Anvil Chorus Girl (1944)

Actors: Carl Meyer, Arnold Stang, and Cecil Roy

Lulu in Hollywood (1944)

Actors: Lulu

Suddenly It's Spring (1944)

Actors: Lulu

We're on Our Way to Rio (1944)

Actors: Lulu

Lulu Gets the Birdie (1944)

Actors: Lulu
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