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Runtime: 0 h 52 min

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Summary: The life and work of the vallenato musician Diomedes Díaz, better known as The chief of the board' (El cacique de la Junta in Spanish).
Genre: Drama

Production: Canal RCN
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
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Summary: A low budget horror filmmaker gets in touch with an eccentric who is trying to film his consciousness during drug abuse.
Runtime: 1 h 55 min
MPAA: Unrated

Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
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Delirios de amor (1989)

Leo es pardo (1976)

Mi ego está en Babia (1975)

Aquarium (1975)

Frank Stein (1972)

Ginebra en los infiernos (1970)

Un, dos, tres... al escondite inglés (1970)

Último grito (1968)

Ida y vuelta (1968)

Ágata (1966)

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