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Summary: An exhilarating view of skiing the German Alps, with a load in your pants.
Runtime: 1 h 10 min
MPAA: Approved

Countries: Germany, Austria
Language: German
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Summary: In the Mont Blanc Observatory works Hannes. The only contact to the outside world is a pilot and Hella over the morse-code-radio. As Hella climbs the mountain with her father, the father dies. Also Hannes gets endangered as his fi...
Runtime: 1 h 33 min

Production: Aafa-Film AG
Country: Germany
Language: German

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Summary: Based on Erich Von Daniken's book purporting to prove that throughout history aliens have visited earth.
Runtime: 1 h 32 min

Country: West Germany
Language: German
Domestic: $ 25,948,300

Box office:



based on book

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Sieben Weltwunder der Technik (1981)

Sie liebten sich einen Sommer (1972)

Verliebte Ferien in Tirol (1971)

Actors: Verliebte Ferien

The Valley of Death (1968)

Actors: Lex Barker and Pierre Brice

Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy: Part 2 (1967)

Actors: Siegfried Wischnewski

Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy (1966)

Actors: Siegfried Wischnewski

Die Zwillinge vom Zillertal (1957)

Actors: Siegfried Wischnewski

Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang (1957)

Actors: Marianne Hold and Gerhard Riedmann

Die Fischerin vom Bodensee (1956)

Actors: Marianne Hold and Gerhard Riedmann

Solange du lebst (1955)

Actors: Marianne Hold and Gerhard Riedmann

Der schweigende Engel (1954)

Actors: Marianne Hold and Gerhard Riedmann

Rosen-Resli (1954)

Actors: Christine Kaufmann

Hinter Klostermauern (1952)

Actors: Christine Kaufmann

Nacht am Montblanc (1951)

Actors: Christine Kaufmann
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