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Summary: Dr. Matt Powers is chief of Hope Memorial Hospital in the city of Madison, and he cares about the lives of staff and patients.
Release Date: April 01, 1963
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 0 h 30 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.
Runtime: 1 h 18 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 1,500
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Summary: Years after being traumatized by witnessing the drowning deaths of her beloved father and stepmother as a child, a wealthy young woman is released from a sanitarium and returns to the remote country estate where she grew up. Short...
Runtime: 1 h 20 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Decadence (1988)

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Corruption (1983)

Midnight Heat (1983)

A Day in the Life of... The Cosmopolitan Girls (1981)

Spittoon (1981)

The Pink Ladies (1979)

Mystique (1979)

Her Name Was Lisa (1979)

Black Snow (1971)

Ron Rico (1971)

Requiem (1969)

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