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Summary: Engaged in a mysterious relationship with her dead best friend from the Army, a female Afghanistan veteran comes head to head with her Vietnam vet grandfather at the family's ancestral lake house.
Runtime: 1 h 38 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Yanqui (2024)

Merit x Zoe (2022)

Veterans for Gun Reform PSA (2018)

Actors: Tamala De Jesus

Meals Ready to Eat (2017)

Actors: Tamala De Jesus

Wrongful Termination (2015)

Actors: Tamala De Jesus

It Matters (2014)

Actors: Earl Billings and Hilda Boulware

The Interlude (2014)

Actors: James Preston and Angela Zhou

Sam (2009)

Actors: James Preston and Angela Zhou

Kapisa (2009)

Actors: James Preston and Angela Zhou
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