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Summary: A lonesome boy accompanies his mother on a trip to clean out his late aunt's house, and ends up forming an unexpected friendship with the retiree who lives next door.
Runtime: 1 h 23 min

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
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Summary: A comedy that explores the private lives of unique New York individuals through a common thread: their weed deliveryman.
Release Date: September 16, 2016
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 0 h 30 min
MPAA: 16+

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: An introverted editor living a vertical life in his 2nd-floor apartment, locks himself out of his building and is forced to go horizontal and confront the world he's been avoiding in search of a way back inside.
Runtime: 1 h 25 min

Country: United States
Language: English
White35.29%Black23.53%Latino17.65%Mixed / Other5.88%Jewish5.88%Asian5.88%Indian5.88%
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