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Summary: Streets of Rage 4 is a beat 'em up video game developed by Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games, released April 30, 2020. It's a sequel to the classic beat 'em up trilogy.

Country: France
Language: English
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Summary: Fictional characters from movies, comics, manga, television programs, literature and video games are created in a simulated battle to the death.
Release Date: December 06, 2010

Production: ScrewAttack
Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Kane Madison is an architect working in Los Angeles while his doppelganger-like spirit, an 18th-century Ronin, wanders a parallel netherworld of masked demons and Japanese swordsmen. When tragedy strikes, Kane embarks on a journey...
Runtime: 1 h 25 min

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 1,000,000
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