  • Christopher Sciueref
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Summary: As a malady known as the Blight ravages the land of Valisthea and its realms plunge into war, Clive Rosfield, the firstborn son of the Archduke of Rosaria, sets out on a dark, dangerous journey to revenge following a tragedy.

Countries: United States, Japan
Language: English
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Summary: Play through all nine Star Wars films in a LEGO Game of epic proportions.
MPAA: E10+

Language: English
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Summary: Set in 431 BC during the Pelopenesian War, play as either a male or female mercenary as you embark on your own epic odyssey to become a legendary Spartan hero in a world where every choice matters.

Countries: Canada, United States
Language: English
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Summary: A prequel to the Assassin's Creed Franchise set in Egypt from 48 BC where Bayek, a Medjay, begins the foundation of the Assassin's Brotherhood.

Country: Canada
Language: English

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