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Summary: A rock band, consisting of five superheroes, battle a new monster every episode in a retro campy style, complete with fake commercials and an appearance each week of the Aquabats in cartoon form.
Release Date: March 03, 2012

Country: United States
Language: English
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Spooksville (2013)

Actors: Katie Douglas, Nick Purcha, and Keean Johnson

Miracle at Midnight (1998)

Actors: Mia Farrow, Sam Waterston, Nicola Mycroft, and Justin Whalin

Volcano: Fire on the Mountain (1997)

Actors: Mia Farrow, Sam Waterston, Nicola Mycroft, and Justin Whalin

Asteroid (1997)

Actors: Mia Farrow, Sam Waterston, Nicola Mycroft, and Justin Whalin

The Unspoken Truth (1995)

Actors: Lea Thompson and James Marshall
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