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Summary: Play through all nine Star Wars films in a LEGO Game of epic proportions.
MPAA: E10+

Language: English
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Summary: An asteroid has annihilated 80% of the earth's population, and humanity's numbers are dwindling. Walker, the last Ranger of the wasteland has to rage for justice and freedom.

Countries: United States, Sweden
Language: English
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Possible Big Business:


DC Entertainment

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Summary: Rising 3 takes place ten years after the events of Dead Rising 2 (2010), in the city of Los Perdidos, California and follows a new protagonist, Nick Ramos, who is in the midst of the looming zombie apocalypse.

Country: Canada
Language: English

Possible lazy cash grab:

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Summary: A city doctor is forced to work in the remote Alaskan town of Cicely, where he encounters peculiar locals, including a former astronaut, as he adjusts to small-town life.
Release Date: July 12, 1990
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: The musical adventures of a police force.
Release Date: September 26, 1990
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Musical
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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