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Summary: Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother. Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing at an early age, was raised by a single mother in a working-class neighborhood. One day they discover they were switched ...
Release Date: June 06, 2011
Genres: Drama, Family, Romance
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English

White64.71%Mixed / Other17.65%Jewish11.76%Latino5.88%
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Summary: Several different deaths based on true stories.
Release Date: May 14, 2008
Runtime: 0 h 23 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: The shocking eyewitness accounts of terrified people whose dream homes have become nightmares are brought to life in vivid, blood-curdling style.
Release Date: May 04, 2013
Genre: Horror

Country: United States
Language: English


based on real people
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Civil Disobedience (2021)

Artists in Agony: Hitmen at the Coda Teahouse (2021)

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Glasscock Park (2021)

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Complaints Anonymous (2020)

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As Is (2020)

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Actors: Lena Pousette, Linda Palmer, Gabrielle Stone, Deon van Rooyen, and Andrew Onochie

The Secret Ingredient (2014)

Actors: Lena Pousette, Linda Palmer, Gabrielle Stone, Deon van Rooyen, and Andrew Onochie

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Actors: Lena Pousette, Linda Palmer, Gabrielle Stone, Deon van Rooyen, and Andrew Onochie

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Actors: Lena Pousette, Linda Palmer, Gabrielle Stone, Deon van Rooyen, and Andrew Onochie

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Actors: Lena Pousette, Linda Palmer, Gabrielle Stone, Deon van Rooyen, and Andrew Onochie
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