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Summary: Hollywood First Look is the premier entertainment news source in Asian-American homes in the United States and Canada. Viewers get a first look at upcoming films, TV shows, and exclusive interviews with Hollywood's top celebrities.
Release Date: March 01, 2019
Genre: Talk-Show

Country: United States
Language: English
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Summary: Deep in the Dovre mountain, something gigantic wakes up after a thousand years in captivity. The creature destroys everything in its path and quickly approaches Oslo.
Runtime: 1 h 41 min

Production: Motion Blur Films
Distributor: Netflix
Country: Norway
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Summary: In the starving aftermath of a nuclear disaster, a family of three attends a charitable event at a hotel, which takes a dark turn when people start to disappear.
Runtime: 1 h 26 min

Distributor: Netflix
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
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Summary: The life and adventures of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, the first man to arrive on the South Pole.
Runtime: 2 h 05 min

Movie budget: $ 75,000,000
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Summary: In a world replete with greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry, "Marco Polo" is based on the famed explorer's adventures in Kublai Khan's court in 13th century Mongolia.
Release Date: December 12, 2014
Runtime: 1 h 00 min

Country: United States
Language: English
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Christmas as Usual (2023)

Actors: Ida Ursin-Holm and Kanan Gill

Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes (2015)

Actors: Ida Ursin-Holm and Kanan Gill

Beatles (2014)

Actors: Ida Ursin-Holm and Kanan Gill
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