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Summary: A show about the fictional everyday adventures of real-life comedian Bastian Pastewka. He experiences funny, strange, and embarrassing moments that he often causes by his lies.
Release Date: September 09, 2005
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 0 h 23 min

Country: Germany
Language: German
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Summary: Drama set in a women's prison in Germany.
Release Date: September 22, 1997
Genres: Drama, Crime
Runtime: 0 h 48 min

Production: Grundy UFA
Country: Germany
Language: German

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Eichwald, MdB (2015)

Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017)

Actors: Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, and Cassandra Scerbo

Switch: Reloaded (2007)

Actors: Michael Kessler
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