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Summary: Story of Maira, who was born blind but got a talent enabling her to become a great perfumer. In order to become happy, Maira needs to reveal crimes, committed by her mother Zoe.
Release Date: October 19, 2022
Genres: Drama, Crime

Production: Estúdios Globo
Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
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Summary: A young girl who had her life ruined by an ambitious, unscrupulous woman returns to her as an adult, under a new identity and seeking revenge.
Release Date: March 26, 2012
Runtime: 0 h 45 min

Country: Brazil
Language: Portuguese
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Mania de Você (2024)

Segundo Sol (2018)

Actors: Giovanna Antonelli, Adriana Esteves, Deborah Secco, and Emilio Dantas

A Regra do Jogo (2015)

Actors: Giovanna Antonelli, Vanessa Giácomo, and Alexandre Nero

Chatô: O Rei do Brasil (2016)

Actors: Giovanna Antonelli, Vanessa Giácomo, and Alexandre Nero

Órfãos do Eldorado (2015)

Actors: Giovanna Antonelli, Vanessa Giácomo, and Alexandre Nero

A Cura (2010)

Actors: Giovanna Antonelli, Vanessa Giácomo, and Alexandre Nero

Cama de Gato (2009)

Actors: Marcos Palmeira, Camila Pitanga, and Paolla Oliveira

The Favorite (2008)

Actors: Patricia Pillar and Cláudia Raia

Cobras & Lagartos (2006)

Actors: Lázaro Ramos

Da Cor do Pecado (2004)

Actors: Lázaro Ramos

A Dona da História (2004)

Actors: Antônio Fagundes, Débora Falabella, Rodrigo Santoro, and Marieta Severo

Redentor (2004)

Actors: Fernanda Montenegro, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Falabella, and Camila Pitanga

Cristina Quer Casar (2003)

Actors: Fernanda Montenegro, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Falabella, and Camila Pitanga
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