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Summary: The arrival of Maria Drazdechova, associated with the Communist party, to a school in Bratislava in 1983 worries parents, students, and colleagues.
Runtime: 1 h 42 min
MPAA: Unrated

Language: Slovak
Domestic: $ 64,437
International: $ 1,285,989

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Kôn (2022)

Vodník (2019)

Anjeli (2012)

Fóbie (2006)

Neverné hry (2003)

Actors: Zuzana Stivínová

Quartétto (2002)

Actors: Diana Mórová, Zuzana Mauréry, and Lenka Fillnerova

Hana a jej bratia (2000)

Actors: Diana Mórová, Zuzana Mauréry, and Lenka Fillnerova

Konec velkých prázdnin (1996)

Actors: Diana Mórová, Zuzana Mauréry, and Lenka Fillnerova

Most (1992)

Actors: Andrej Hryc
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