Transporter 3
Summary: Frank Martin is forced to deliver Valentina, the kidnapped daughter of a Ukrainian government official, from Marseilles to Odessa on the Black Sea. En route, he has to contend with thugs who want to intercept Valentina's safe deli...
Runtime: 1 h 44 min
Movie budget: $ 30,000,000
Domestic: $ 31,715,062
International: $ 77,264,487
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
55 gallon drumaction heroactor reprises previous roleaerial camera shotambulanceassault rifleaudiaudi motor vehicleautomobilebare chested malebicyclebinocularsbitten handblackmailbloodblood splatterboatbody lands on a carbrawlbridgebroken armbroken legbudapest hungaryburial at seabusiness rulescarcar chasecar crashcar crashes through a wallcar explosioncar goes over a cliffcar inside a housecar off a bridgecar on firecar transportcell phonechampagnechemical leakchinese characterclockcontractcorpsecountingcrashing through a wallcrushed by a carcrushed to deathdeadlinedeclining a job offerdirt roaddisarming someonedisobeydrivingdriving a car on two wheelsdriving off a bridgedriving off a cliffdrowningdruggeddrugged drinkduelenvironmentalismexecutive jetexploding bodyexploding carexplosionexplosive braceletexplosive devicefantasy mealfirearmfishingfishing from a boatfistfightflashbackfriendshipgas stationgpsgrand pianogungun held to headgunfighthand to hand combathandgunhandheld devicehandheld weaponheld at gunpointhelmetherohit with a shovelhitting a womanhummerhummer motor vehiclehumveejackknifed truckjumping through a windowkicked in the crotchkicked in the facekicked in the headkidnappingknifeknocked outloss of friendm 16machine gunmale ministerman fishingman undressesman wears eyeglassesmartial artsmascara runningmassagemercedesmercedes benz motor vehicleminiskirtministermixed martial artsmob of reportersmobile telephonemotor carmotor vehiclemurdermurder of a manmurder of a police officernightclubnokianumbered sequelobscene finger gestureodessa ukraineone against manyone man armyopening action sceneoverhead camera shotpart of trilogypassenger carriagepassenger compartmentpassenger trainpassenger train carpassenger train carriagepay phonephone bookpianopillpistolpolice chasepolice inspectorpolice investigationpremarital sexproduct placementpunched in the facequiet applauserange roverrange rover motor vehiclered roseredheadriding a bicyclerod and reel fishingroserunning for one's lifescrewdriverseat beltsemi truck and trailersemiautomatic pistolsequelsex in a carshipshipping containershooting a manshooting a police officershootoutshot for asking a questionshot from a carshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot through a windowshot to deathshowdownspeeding carspeeding vehiclespitting in someone's facesport utility vehiclestrapped to a bombstylized violencesuvtattootattooed neckthird in seriesthird partthrown from a boatthrown from a cartough guytoxic wastetractortraintrain derailmenttrain passenger cartrick bicycle ridingukraineumbrellaunderwater sceneurinationvanvehicleviolencevodkawaterborne shipwatercraftweaponwigwoman spits in man's facewrenchzodiac
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