Touch of Death
Summary: A moody, middle-aged gigolo kills off women after he gets bored with dating them and uses their body parts for trophies and for consumption.
Lucio Fulci
Lucio Fulci
Runtime: 1 h 26 min
MPAA: Unrated
Production: Alpha Cinematografica
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
alcoholicantagonist as protagonistarm cut offbathroombeaten to deathbeatingblack comedybleeding to deathbloodblood on shirtblood splatterbody in a bagbody in a trunkbody partbody torn apartcannibalismcassette playercatchainsawcharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguechasecigarette smokingconstruction sitecontact lenscorpsecoughingcrushed to deathdead body in a cardeathdeath of wifedebtdismembermentdrugged drinkexploding headeye gougingface slapfalling into a riverfemale nudityflashlightgamblinggash in the facegiallogorehallucinationhead bashed inhead blown offhead in an ovenheld at gunpointhit with a stickhomeless personhusband wife relationshipjewellery boxknocked unconsciousleg woundloan sharklooking at oneself in a mirrorloveman punches a womanmeat grindermelting facemissing person postermistaken identitymugshotmurdermurder attemptmurdered with a chainsawnews reporton the runopera singerparking garagepistolplaying cardspoisonpolice officerpsychopathpunched in the facerevengerun over by a carself inflicted gunshot woundself mutilationself sacrificesevered footsevered headsevered legshaving one's beardshot in the chestshot to deathsilhouetteslashersplattersplit headsplit lipstabbed in the facestrangulationsupernatural powerswanswimming pooltongsvillain as protagonistvillain killedviolencevoice over narrationvomitingwad of cashwealthwhipwidowwoman haterwoman shoots a man
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