To Kill a Mockingbird
Summary: A widowed lawyer in Depression-era Alabama defends a black man against a false rape charge while teaching his young children about the sad reality of prejudice.
Runtime: 2 h 09 min
MPAA: Approved
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 2,000,000
Domestic: $ 592,237
International: $ 7,697
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1930s6 year old6 year old girlaccusation of rapeaccusedadmonishmentafiafrican americanalabamaalcoholicalleged rapeamerican flaganimal in titleapronarm in a castasking for helpassaultattackattempted assaultautomobilebacking away from someonebalconybarefoot girlbarterbased on bookbased on novelbeatingbedroombiblebird in titleblack americanblack and whiteblack manblack womanblockbusterboyboy covers his eyes with his handsboy girl fightboy puts his hand over a girl's mouthboy spitsboy wears a necktieboy wears boxer shortsboy wears overallsboy wears pajamasboy wears short pantsboy wears shortsbreakfastbriefcasebroken armbrother sister relationshipcalling a black man boycarcarrying a childchevroletchifforobechild in jeopardychild raisingchildhood dramachildrencigar boxcigarette smokingclimbing a treecollard patchcoming of agecompassioncostumecounty sheriffcourt casecourt housecourt trialcourthousecourtroom dramacrawling on the groundcrawling under a fencecrayoncriminal proceedingscruel mancrueltycrying girldaughter sits on her father's lapdead motherdead wifedeceased motherdeceased wifedefending a black mandefiancedefying one's fatherdenialdenying guiltdisabled mandonkey drawn wagondrunken maneatingeyeglassesfade to blackfalse accusationfalse accusation of rapefamily breakfastfamily relationshipsfamous scorefarm handfarmerfather carries his daughter in his armsfather daughter embracefather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfatherhoodfencefictional townfightfirst day of schoolfistfightfleeingfoodforced kissfour word titlefriendfriendshipgirlgirl kicks a mangirl reads a book out loudgirl spitsgirl wears a slipgirl wears overallsgirl wears pajamasgreat depressionguardgunshothalloweenhalloween costumeham costumehandcuffed manhandcuffshandshakehero worshiphickory nutshiding placehillbillyhistorical dramahorsing aroundhousekeeperinjured arminjusticeinnocenceinnocent maninterracial relationshipintoleranceintruderjailjudgejudicial systemjuryjusticekilling a dogknocked unconsciousknocking on a doorknot holelaw enforcementlawyerleft handed manlegal battlelegal caselegal dramalielifting a female into the airlifting someone into the airlittle boylittle girllooking in a windowlooking out a car rear windowlost dresslyinglynch mobmaidman carries a boy in his armsman reads a bookman spits on a manman touches a boy's hairman wears a suitman wears a suit and tieman wears eyeglassesman wears overallsmaturationmemorymethodistministermiscarriage of justicemob mentalityn wordnarrated by characternational film registryneighbor neighbor relationshipold womanold woman uses a wheelchairolder brotheroverallsparalyzed armperjurypocket knifepocket watchpointing one's finger at someonepoor peopleporchporch swingpovertyprecocious boyprejudiceprejudiced manpretending to be an egyptianpulitzer prize sourcerabid dograbiesrace relationsracial discriminationracial prejudiceracial scapegoatracial segregationracial slurracial tensionracismracistrape accusationrape chargereading a bookreading to a childrecluseredneckreference to a doctorreference to a kissreference to a mockingbrdreference to accidental deathreference to godreference to ice creamreference to meridian mississippireference to new orleans louisianareference to standing on a chairrescuerespectrevengereverendrising for the judgerocking chairrolling in a tirerunning awayrunning boyrunning girlrunning manrural settingsaving a lifeschoolschoolyardschoolyard fightscreech owlservantsexual assaultsexual predatorshackshadowshooting dogshotgunsiblingssingle fathersleeping boysleeping childsleeping girlsliding down a banistersmall townsoap carvingsocial commentarysocial injusticesound of a gunshotsouthern gothicsouthernerspitting in someone's facestabbing deathstarving childstraw hatstray dogsubjective camerasuit and tiesuspendersswearing on a biblesweat on the foreheadtaking aimtearstelephonetelephone calltelephone on the walltestimonythe endthreatthree piece suittimeframe 1930stipping one's hattire swingtitle same as booktitle spoken by charactertomboytree swingtreehousetrespassingtrialtwo boys share a bedverdictviolence against a womanvoice over narrationwall phonewall telephonewheelchairwhite saviorwhite trashwhite womanwidowerwiping sweat from one's browwitnessworking for freewrongful convictionyear 1932
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