The World's Greatest Sinner
Summary: A bored insurance salesman quits his job to go into politics. He first starts preaching about how man is greater than he thinks and that man can live forever. He ends up forming his own political party, "The Eternal Man" party. He...
Runtime: 1 h 22 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Production: Frenzy Productions
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 250,000
Supporting cast:
Other cast:
14 year old girl1960satheismatheistbelief that one is godcandidatecatholiccatholic churchcatholic priestcatholicismchurchcommunion wafercultcult leaderdogfalse messiahgodguitarimmortalityinsanityinsuranceinsurance agentmessiah complexnarrationnarratorpolitical partypoliticianpoliticspsychotronic filmreference to godreligious cultrock bandrock concertrockabillysalesmansex with a teenage girlsex with a teenagersex with teenagersnakesurrealismtimeframe 1960sunderground filmwidow