The Price of Honor
Summary: The Price of Honor is a documentary about the murders of Sarah and Amina Said, two teenage sisters from Texas who were killed in a premeditated Honor Killing planned and executed by their father Yaser Said back in 2008.
Release Date: September 07, 2014
Genre: Documentary
Leah Saint Marie
Runtime: 1 h 58 min
MPAA: Not Rated
Production: Smart Lips Productions
Country: United States
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
911 call recordingabusive fatheramerican muslim womanarranged marriagechild bridecontrolling fatherdaughter abused by fatherdomestic violencedouble homicideegyptian americanf ratedfamily honourfatherfemicidehonor killinghonour killingkilled by fathermisogynymurdermurder investigationmurdered by fathermuslim americanmuslim cultureoppression of muslim womenpatriarchal societyreference to child protective servicesreference to child sexual abusesecret relationshipstalkingtalking to a graveteenage bridetexastimeframe 2000svisiting a gravewoman murdered by her familywomens rights
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