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The Outpost

Summary: A small team of U.S. soldiers battles against hundreds of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.
Runtime: 2 h 03 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 18,000,000
Domestic: $ 186,635
International: $ 2,140,701

Box office:



based on true story, based on book, based on non fictional book

Possibly woke elements:

race relations,female soldier





Role model3/5

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'crying wolf' metaphor2000s21 year old21 year old man22 year old22 year old man24 year old24 year old man25 year old25 year old man27 year old27 year old man30 year old30 year old man31 year old31 year old man37 year old37 year old man50. caliber machine guna positive blood typeaerial camera shotafghan national armyafghanistanafghanistan warafrican americanair strikeak 47allahu akbarambushamerican flagammunitionammunition depotanimal killingapologyarabarchive footage during closing creditsarm scararmored cararmored vehiclearmyarmy basearmy commendation medal for valorartilleryassault rifleattackattempted murderbald headbald headed manband of brothersbare buttbare chested malebarracksbased on bookbased on non fictional bookbased on true storybattlebattlefieldbazookabegins with textbest friendbinocularsblack americanblack comedybloodblood splatterblood transfusionbloody facebloody handsblown into the airbody bagbody countbombbomb craterbombardmentbombingbooby trapbowingbraverybritish actor playing american characterbronze star medal for valorbrotherhoodbrutalitybullet hole in helmetbullet hole in windshieldbulletproof vestbunk bedbunk bedsburn pitcall to prayercampfirecaptaincar accidentcar falling off a cliffcard gamecard playingcarrying a body bagcarrying a wounded soldiercell phonechain of commandchaoscharacter names on screen in textchasecigarettecigarette lightercigarette smokingcinema veritecliffcolonelcombatcommandercommanding officercommandocommando unitcomputercontemplating suicidecorpsecounter insurgencycouragecrawling on the groundcrying manculture clashdancerdancingdangerdead bodydead body in a riverdeathdeath of a soldierdeath of brotherdeath of daughterdeath of frienddialectdifficulty breathingdining halldistinguished service crossdocudrama dramadogdog bitedog tagdog tagsdragging a dead bodydramatizationeatingends with a still photogrtaphescapeethnic slurex husband ex wife relationshipex marineexcrementexploding bodyexploding carexplosionf wordfalling into a riverfalse accusationfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearfemale psychologistfemale soldierfiance fiancee relationshipfightfighter jetfilm starts with textfirefire extinguisherfire in a steel barrelfoodfoot chasefootbridgeforeign language spokenfreedomfreedom fighterfriendfriendshipfriendship between mengame playinggasolinegeneratorglorificationgoatgrenadegrenade launcherguard postguitarguitar playergun battlegun salutegun violencegunfightgunfiregunshotgurneyhand grenadehandcuffed manhandcuffshandshakeheavy rainheld at gunpointhelicopterhelmethindu kush mountainshonorhusband wife relationshipindependent filminfirmaryinspired by true eventsinterpreterinterrogationinterviews during closing creditsinvestigationiraq war veterankilling a dogkissing a photographknifeknocked to the groundlandminelasersightlatvianletterlieutenantlighting a cigarettelong takeloss of friendmachine gunmachismomale camaraderiemale male hugmale nuditymale rear nudityman carries a man in his armsman dances with a manman imitates a penisman in uniformman kicks a man in the chestman slaps a man on the buttman wears a baseball capman wears eyeglassesman wears shortsman with a beardmassacremedal of honormedicmedicationmercilessnessmilitarymilitary convoymilitary lifemilitary officermilitary outpostmilitary propagandamilitary tankmilitary teammilitary truckmilitary vehicle on firemilitary vehicle over a cliffmissionmoneymontagemoral dilemmamortarmother son relationshipmountainmurdermurder of a commandermustached mann wordname callingnative americannear death experiencenicknamenightnight visionnight vision binocularsno opening creditsobscene finger gestureodd man outold manoperation enduring freedomouthouseoutpostp i dpanicparanoiapeacephotographphotographerpicture of real life subjectpistolplatoonpositive identificationpost traumatic stress disorderprayerprideprisonerprivateprofanitypsychologistptsdptsd post traumatic stress disorderpurple heart the medalpush upsrace against timerace relationsracial slurradiorainraised middle fingerreference to chuck norrisreference to e mailreference to gary colemanreference to hamid karzaireference to paris hiltonreference to stanley mcchrystalrescueriflerifle with a telescoperiverrocket launcherrope bridgerpgrunningsaving a lifescarscene during end creditssecond chancesergeantshiveringshooting a dogshootoutshot in the armshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot in the groinshot in the headshot in the legshot in the neckshot to deathshowersilver star the medalsingersingingsleepingsmoke grenadesnipersniper riflesoldiersongsouthern accentspecial forcesspittingspystretcherstuffed toy dogsubjective camerasubstance abusesunglassessurprise during end creditssurprise endingsurvivaltactical operations centertaking a photograph with a cell phonetalibantanktelephonetelephone calltentterroristterrorist groupthreat to murdertimeframe 2000stimeframe 21st centurytitle spoken by charactertranslatortrapped in a military vehicletribetrucktruck drivertrusttwo word titleu.s. armyurinationurineurine samplevalleyvideo cameraview through a telescopeviking helmet with hornsvillagevillage elderviolencevoter id cardwalkie talkiewar violencewar woundwarning signwatching one's best friend diewater bottlewater torturewaterboardingweightliftingyear 1984year 2006year 2008year 2009
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