The Kitchen
Summary: The wives of New York gangsters in Hell's Kitchen in the 1970s continue to operate their husbands' rackets after they're locked up in prison.
Release Date: August 09, 2019
Andrea Berloff
Runtime: 1 h 42 min
Production: BRON Studios, Creative Wealth Media Finance, DC Vertigo, Michael De Luca Productions, New Line Cinema, CAMA Asset Storage & Recycling
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 38,000,000
Domestic: $ 12,180,032
International: $ 3,800,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abusive husbandaerial camera shotafrican americanalleyaltered version of studio logoambulanceambushamerican mafiaarmed robberyarrestassassinattempted murderattempted rapeattempted robberyautomatic handgunbarbare chested malebased on graphic novelbathtubbeardbeatingbeerbetrayalbilliard tableblack womanblack woman white man relationshipblackmailbloodblood splatterbody in a trunkboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbriberybrooklynbrooklyn bridgebrooklyn new york citybrutalityburglarybutcherc wordcemeterychampagnechurchcoffincolt detective specialconstruction siteconstruction workercontract killerconvenience storeconvenience store robberycookiecorpsecourtcourtroomcrime bosscriminaldangerdc comicsdeathdeath of frienddeath of husbanddeath of loved onedeceptiondelicatessendinerdirectorial debutdiscodismembering a dead bodydisposing of a dead bodydomestic abusedouble crossel trainenforcerensemble castethnic slurextortionextramarital affairf ratedf wordfalling down stairsfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfax machinefbi agentfbi federal bureau of investigationfearfemale crime bossfemale empowermentfemale gangsterfemme fatalefilm with ambiguous titleflash forwardfriendshipfuneralganggang violencegang wargangstergarbage truckgirl ganggraveside servicegreek americangunhandgunhappy birthday to youheld at gunpointhell's kitchenhell's kitchen manhattan new york cityhenchmanhired killerhitmanhome invasionhomeless manhomeless personhomeless shelterhospitalhotelhusband wife relationshipinterracial friendshipinterracial marriageirishirish actor playing american characterirish americanirish american mobirish american womanirish gangirish gangsterirish mobirish neighborhoodirish versus italiansitalian americanithaca 37jackhammerjail visitjewelerjewelryjewelry storejewish americanjewish mankicked in the facekicked in the stomachkicking in a doorkissknee high bootsknifeknocked unconsciousloss of friendloss of husbandloss of loved onelove interestmachismomafiamafia bossmafia donman hits a womanman shoots womanmanhattan new york citymanipulationmercilessnessmiller high life beermob bossmob hitmob violencemobstermoneymoney problemsmontagemother daughter relationshipmother in law daughter in law relationshipmother son relationshipmurdermurder of a fbi agentmustachen wordnecklaceneighborhoodneo noirnew yorknew york citynew york city skylinenightnightclubno opening creditsno title at beginningnunoffscreen killingold manold womanorganized crimeorthodox jewpair of fbi agentsparanoiapay phonepayphoneperiod piecephone boothpianopistolpolice officerpowerpriestprisonprison visitprisonerproduct placementprofanityprofessional hitprostituteprotectionpulp fictionpunched in the chestpunched in the facepunching a federal agentpushed down the stairsquick drawrace relationsracial slurracismracistracketeeringred light districtreference to josephreference to mary magdalenereference to schlitz beerreference to the three wise menrelease from prisonrestaurantretro version of studio logoretro version of warner bros. logorevelationrevengerevolverrise to powerriversalonsaved from rapesawed off shotgunsaying graceschool busschoolteacherset upsex sceneshootingshot in the armshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the faceshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot to deathshotgunski masksmith & wesson model 19snowsocial decaysociopathsunglassessurprise endingthugtimeframe 1970stimes squaretitle at the endtitle directed by femaletrialtriple f ratedtwo word titleuncle niece relationshipunemploymentunionupper west sideupper west side manhattan new york cityurban decayurban settingurinationvanvertigo comicsvictim of abusevietnam veteranviolencewalking stickwelfare officewest side manhattan new york citywife beaterwife kills husbandwoman beaterwoman in men's bathroomwoman kills a manwoman knocked outwoman knocked unconsciouswoman with a gunwritten by directoryear 1978year 1979
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