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The Hard Way

Summary: An action movie star researching a role is allowed to tag along with a hardboiled New York City policeman, who finds him superficial and irritating.
Runtime: 1 h 51 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 24,000,000
Domestic: $ 25,895,485
International: $ 39,700,000

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Universal Pictures



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1990sactoragentalmost hit by a caralmost hit by a truckambitionambitious manambulanceanger issuesanswering machinearrestasking for an autographawkward situationbandanabarbare buttbare chested malebare chested male bondagebarefoot femalebarefoot malebartenderbaseball batbaseball bat used as a weaponbathrobebechdel test failedbeing followedbillboardbloodbloody facebondageboyboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbreaking a car windowbreaking a glassbreaking a windowbroken car windowbroken glassbroken tvbroken windowbrooklyn bridgebuddy copbuddy cop crimeburpingbuskerbuskingbuying a guncamera shot of feetcamera shot of mouthcarcar accidentcar chasecar crashcar wreckcelebritycell phonecharacter appears in a magazinecharacter appears on magazine covercharacter appears on tvcharacter's point of view camera shotchasecigar smokingcigarette smokingclimbing up a ladderclose up of mouthcoworker coworker relationshipcriminalcriminal gangcrying for helpdamsel in distressdancedance clubdance scenedancing in the streetdead bodydeathdeath by gunshotdestroying a tape recorderdestroying a tv setdetectivedetective as protagonistdictaphonedisguisedownpourdrinking beerdrugdrug dealerdrunk mandrunken mandrunkennesselevatoremergency callemotionally unstableemotionally unstable manemotionally unstable protagonistexplosionf wordface maskfake mustachefalling from heightfast foodfather daughter relationshipfedorafeet on tablefightfight in a carfighting in a moving carfilm within a filmfinger lickingfish out of waterfisticuffsflashlightfollowing someonefoot chaseframed photographgamingganggaragegas stationgasolinegay slurgirlgonggungun dealergunshothand injuryhandcuffed manhandcuffed to a bedhandcuffed to the bedhandcuffshit in the face with a gunhit on the headhit on the head with a gunhollywood actorhomeless manhomophobic remarkhomophobic slurhostagehot doghysterical manhysterical outburstinformerinterviewinvestigationjealous boyfriendjealous manjealousyjuvenile delinquentkicked in the facekicked in the stomachkidnapped girlfriendkidnapped womankidnappingkiller on the looseknocking on a doorlasersightlicking one's fingerlife imitates artlighterlistening devicelittle boylittle girllong haired malelooking at oneself in a mirrormale bondagemale bondingmale divamale male hugmale objectificationmale star appears shirtlessmale wears underwearman handcuffed to a bedman reads a magazineman wears a bathrobeman wears a face maskman wears a leather jacketman wears a tank topman wears an open bathrobeman wears an open shirtman wears boxer shortsman wears eyeglassesman wears shortsman wears sunglassesmanhattan new york citymaniacmanipulative behaviormatronizingmistaken belief that someone is deadmistaken belief that someone is gaymistaken identitymodel airplanemooningmother daughter relationshipmovie premieremovie starmovie theatermovingmoving inmurdermurder investigationnarcissismnarcissistnarcissistic mannew roommatenew yorknew york citynews reporternightclubninjanose bleedingnoteone shoe off one shoe onoutburstoverheard conversationoverweight manoverweight womanpanicpassive aggressive behaviorpassive aggressive manphone boothphotographpiano playingpizzapizzeriaplaygroundplaying drumsplaying pianoplaying saxophonepointing a gun at someonepolicepolice carpolice detectivepolice informerpolice investigationpolice operationpolice radiopolice stationpolicemanpoliceman as protagonistposing as a policemanposterposter vandalizedpouring rainpretending to be a policemanpretending to be deadproduct placementprojectionpsychological manipulationpsychopathpunched in the facepushed out a windowracial stereotyperainstormreading a magazinereference to indiana jonesreference to mel gibsonreference to playgirl magazinereference to premiere magazinereference to shakespeare's hamletreference to star warsreference to yodarefrigeratorrepeated scenereporterresearchrestaurantroad ragerole modelroommate roommate relationshipserial killerserial murdersetting a firesexist remarkshootingshooting in movie theatershootoutshootout in a subwayshootout in a theatreshot in the chestshot to deathsinging alongsitting on the floorsleeping fully clothedsleeping in underwearsleeping on a couchsleeping shirtlessslow motion fallslow motion scenesmashing a tape recorderspilled drinkspiral staircasesquatsquatterstolen cellphonestormstretchersubwaysubway stationsunbathingsuspicionswimming poolswinging on a ropeswinging on ropetaking off pantstalking to oneselftalking to oneself in a mirrortalking to the cameratape recordertattooteam workteenage boyteenage criminalteenagertelephonetelephone calltheftthree word titlethrowing something at someonethunderstormtimeframe 1990stimes square manhattan new york citytitle spoken by charactertoilettraffic accidenttransmittertransvestitetrucktuxedotv interviewtv reportertv show within a filmurinatingurinating in front of someoneurinationvanvandalvandalismviolenceviolent manwaitresswanted manwashing one's handswatching a moviewatching a movie in a theaterwatching tvwet clotheswinking at the camerawoman wears a bikiniwoman wears a swimsuitwoman wears sunglasses

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