The Flowers of War
Summary: An American finds refuge during the 1937 Japanese invasion of Nanking in a church with a group of women. Posing as a priest, he attempts to lead the women to safety.
Runtime: 2 h 26 min
Movie budget: $ 94,000,000
Domestic: $ 311,434
International: $ 2,544,210
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
6 year oldabusive stepfatherambushamericanarm bandatrocityattempted rapebackpackbarbed wirebarricading a doorbased on novelbased on true storybathroombattlebayonetbedsheetbegins with historical notesbegins with textbeing watchedbicyclebiting a rapistbloodblood splatterboatbomb craterbreadbreaking a mirrorbribebrothelbrutalityburialburying the deadcampfirecandlecarrying a body on one's shoulderscatcat figurinecatechismcathedralcelebrationcellarchasechildchild rapechinachinesechinese historychinese soldierchoirchristmaschurchcigarettecigarette holdercigarette lightercigarette smokingclassmatecollection boxcolonelconventcorpsecounting headscourtesancovered in flourcrank starting an enginecratecrosscross dressingcryingcutting off one's bearddead bodydead childrendead daughterdeathdeath of a teenage girldeath of childdeath of fatherdisguisedormitorydragged by hairdragged by one's legdropping a bottledrunkennessdyingearringsescapeexplosioneyeglassesface slapfalling from heightfalling to deathfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearfemale binds her breastsfeng shuiflashbackflirtingflourfogfolk songfoodfood shortageforced prostitutiongang rapegategirl fightgirl in jeopardyglass knifegluegravegrenadehair stylinghaircuthand kissinghands held in the airhauntinghead woundheroheroismhidinghiding in a closethiding in an armoirehiding in the back of a truckhiding under a tablehit on the headhit on the head with a rifle butthomesicknesshorsehorse and carthumiliationimpersonating a priestinterracial loveinterracial sexjapanesejapanese flagjapanese folk songjapanese occupationjapanese occupation of chinajapanese soldierjumping from heightkatanakatana swordkindergarten teacherkisskittenlanternlegal permitlielieutenantlighting a cigarette for a womanlingerielooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking out a windowmachine gunmahjongmajormaking breadmale disguised as a femalemale protagonistmassacrememorymercymilitarymilitary convoymirrormoneymorticianmotorcycle with a sidecarmurdermurder of fathernanjing chinananking massacre china 1937number 13one man armyorganistorphanoutnumberedoverhead camera shotpainpartyphotographpipapipe organpistolpotatopounding on a doorprayerpretending to be a priestpriestpromiseprostitutepursuitquinhuai riverrainransackingraperaped by stepfatherrazorred crossreference to pubic hairrefugerepairing a truckriflerifle pointed at the camerarifle with telescoperunningrunning for one's lifesacrificesacrificing one's lifesaving a lifescissorsseductionself sacrificesexual abuseshavingshaving kitshaving off beardshaving one's beardshootingshot in the headshot in the neckshot through a helmetshushing with finger to mouthsingersingingsino japanese warsitting on stepsslow motion scenesnipersongstabbingstained glass windowstarving childsteeplestepfather stepdaughter relationshipstudentsubjective camerasufferingsuicide pactsuicide threatsuitcasesurrogate sistersurvivalswordtankteatearsteenage girltimeframe 1930stowertragic eventtraitortrapdoortroop trucktrucktruck cranktrusttype 94 tanketteunconsciousnessunderwater sceneundressingurinationusing a broken mirror as a knifevillagevoice over narrationwar crimewar orphanwatching someonewheatwhiskeywhistlingwhite male lead in a diverse castwigwig makingwineworld war twowoundyear 1937
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