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The Final Countdown

Summary: A modern aircraft carrier is thrown back in time to 1941 near Hawaii, just hours before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Runtime: 1 h 43 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 12,000,000
Domestic: $ 16,647,800
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
1940sadmiraladvanced technologyaerial combataerial refuelingaim 54 phoenix missileaim 9 sidewinder missileair combatair search radarair strikeair to air missileaircraft carrieraircraft handling officerairplane pilotaltering historyalternate historyalternate realityarchive footageaviationaxeback in timebackward time travelbackwards time travelblack hairbloodblood splattercarrier strike groupcommandercrewcult filmcvn 68 uss nimitzd box motion codedilemmadoctordogdogfightdrive in classicexploding airplaneexploding boatexploding helicopterf 14 tomcatfighter jetfighter pilotfighter planeflare gunflight deckflight deck officerflying an airplanefuture shockgeneral quartersgrumman f 14 tomcathangarharborheld at gunpointhelicopterhistorical eventinfirmaryislandjapanesejapanese abroadjapanese manjapanese pilotjapanese zerojet fighterjet fighter pilotlieutenantlieutenant commanderlightninglimousinelow budget sci fi moviemachine gunmale time travelermid air refuellingmilitarymissilemissionmission briefingmoral dilemmanaval officernaval shipnavy catapult officernavy pilotnimitz class aircraft carriernonlinear timelineoceanold time radioone day timespanopening a doorpacificpacific islandpacific oceanparanormal phenomenonpastpearl harborpearl harbor hawaiiphotographpilot helmetpistolplaying godpredestination paradoxpredestininationpresidential candidateprisoner of warpsychotronic filmrace against timeradarreference to mae westreference to time travelrescuesafe return homesailorsciencesecretarysenatorshipship captainshootoutshot in the chestshot in the headshot to deathstowawaysurprise endingtarget acquisition radarthree word titletime machinetime paradoxtime portaltime stormtime traveltime travel into the pasttime travel romancetime travel sci fitime travelertimeframe 1940stragedytropical settingtypewriteru.s. navyu.s.s. arizonaunderwater sceneuss nimitzvisitwaterworld war twoyear 1941
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