The Browning Version
Summary: Andrew Crocker-Harris (Michael Redgrave), a classics teacher at an English school, is afflicted with a heart ailment and an unfaithful wife (Jean Kent). His interest in his pupils wanes as he looks towards his final days in employ...
Runtime: 1 h 30 min
MPAA: Approved
Production: Javelin Films
Distributor: The Criterion Collection
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
adulterous wifeancient greeceapplauseatonementbased on playbook inscriptionboyboys' schoolboys' schoolchapelchemistry teacherchurchcigarette casecigarette smokingclass systemclassic literatureclassical greekclassroomclockconcertcricket the sportcrying mandinnerenglandepigramextramarital affairgeneralgiftheadmasterhomosexual subtexthumiliationhusband wife relationshiphymnillnesslatin languageloveloveless marriageman breaks up with womanmarital problemmedicinemimicrypensionpocket watchprayerpublic schoolrecitationreference to agamemnonreference to fireworksreference to heinrich himmlerreference to platoreference to robert browningremorseresignationscholarschool laboratoryscience classscience experimentscreenplay adapted by authorspeechstoicismstrained husband wife relationshipteateacherteacher of classical languagesteacher student relationshipteenage boytelephone callthesistimetabletitle spoken by charactertoastingtranslationvaledictory
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