The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales
Summary: Whoever thinks that the countryside is calm and peaceful is mistaken. In it we find especially agitated animals, a Fox that thinks it's a chicken, a Rabbit that acts like a stork, and a Duck who wants to replace Father Christmas. ...
Release Date: July 10, 2020
Runtime: 1 h 23 min
Language: French
Movie budget: $ 3,000,000
Domestic: $ 35,787
International: $ 9,363,785
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
2010s2010s literature on screen21st century literature on screenairplaneanimal in titleanimal protagonistanimal that acts humananthologyanthology filmanthropomorphic animalanthropomorphic birdanthropomorphic chickenanthropomorphic doganthropomorphic duckanthropomorphic foxanthropomorphic henanthropomorphic piganthropomorphic rabbitanthropomorphic snailanthropomorphic storkanthropomorphic swallowanthropomorphic wolfapplauseavignon francebabybaby bottlebaby girlbased on comicbased on comic bookbased on franco belgian comic bookbased on graphic novelbirdboxboybreak inbreaking and enteringbreaking inbreaking the fourth wallbutcherbutterflycar driven off a cliffcar falling off a roadcar theftcarrotcartcartoon animalcatapultcharacter says i love youcharacter says i'm sorrychasechasing a duckchickchickenchildren's literature on screenchimneychinese abroadchinese in europechinese in francechopping down a treechristmaschristmas decorationchristmas evechristmas giftchristmas treeclimbing a ladderclimbing a wallclimbing down a ladderclimbing ladderclimbing up a ladderclubcomics literature on screencommunitycomputercoopcostumecountrysidecryingcrying babycrying for helpcuckoo clockdeliverydelivery boxdisguisedisguised as a chickendivadogdog shelterdriven off the roaddrowned carduckeggegg hatchingepisodicepisodic filmepisodic structureescape from a zooeuropeeuropean children's literature on screeneuropean comics literature on screeneuropean humoristic literature on screeneuropean literature on screenexplosionfablefailed expectationfake santa clausfalling from heightfalling into waterfalling off a planefalling off a treefalling out of a planefarmfather daughter relationshipfireplaceflashlightflute as a giftfoot chaseforestfoster motherfoxfox as protagonistfox disguised as chickenfrancefrench children's literature on screenfrench comics literature on screenfrench countrysidefrench humoristic literature on screenfrench literature on screenfriendfriendshipfrogfull moongardengarden vandalizedgardeninggas maskgiftgirlgroup of friendsgunshothatching an egghenhiding behind a bushhiding in the woodshit on the headhouse vandalizedhowlinghowling wolfhumoristic literature on screenhunthunterjumping out of a moving carkick in the headkicked in the headkissing an eggknocking on a doorlanguage barrierlawnmowerlearning the truthlecturelecturerlemurliterature on screenlittle boylittle girllorrymale divamallmanipulationmanipulative behaviormistaken belief that someone is deadmistaken identitymother child relationshipmousenarrated by characterold womanomnibusomnibus filmoutcastparcelpigpig as protagonistplaneplay within a filmplaying fluteplush foxpoisonportmanteauportmanteau filmpostpost officepostmanpretending to be santa clauspretending to be someone elsepsychological manipulationpuppyrabbitratreading a bookreading a newspaperreal santa clausreference to huey dewey and louiereference to santa clausrepairing a rooftopreunionriding in a shopping cartriding on a shopping cartroosterrunning through the woodsrural settingsanta claussanta claus charactersanta claus costumeschoolscreamsecurity guardself defenseself defense courseself defense lecturesharpening an axeshedshootingshopping cartsinging alongsinging christmas carolsinging christmas carolssitting in a shopping cartsitting on a chandeliersitting on the floorsledgesnailsnowmansocial outcastspiderspiderwebstaged fightstanding on a rooftopstealing a carstealing an eggstolen carstorkstory within a storyswallowswinging on a chandeliertaking notestalking animaltalking animalstalking birdtalking chickentalking dogtalking ducktalking foxtalking hentalking pigtalking rabbittalking storktalking swallowtalking to a birdtalking to a dogtalking to a ducktalking to a foxtalking to a pigtalking to a rabbittalking to a storktalking to a swallowtalking to a wolftalking to an animaltalking to an eggtalking to the cameratalking wolfthrowing a bone at someonethrowing something at someonethrowing water on someonetied togethertimeframe 2010stomatotranquilising guntranquilizertranquilizer guntriotrucktruck falling into waterurinatingurinating in front of someoneurinationvanvandalismvoice over narrationvoodoo dollwall climbingwatermelonwhistlingwolfwoodswrong address
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