Summary: A young Israeli man absconds to Paris to flee his nationality, aided by his trusty Franco-Israeli dictionary.
Runtime: 2 h 03 min
MPAA: Unrated
Production: SBS Films, Pie Films, Komplizen Film, Rabinovich Fundation, Ministry of Culture and Sport, ARTE, WDR/Arte [de], Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC), Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA), L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Institut Français
Distributor: The Criterion Channel
Domestic: $ 206,003
International: $ 295,220
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
apologyaspiring writerassimilationaudienceautobiographicalbackpackbanging one's head against a doorbarbare chested malebeing followedbisexualitybookstoreborder crossingboredomboxer shortsbriefscafecamera shot of a woman's legscappuccinocell phonecellocellphone photographcheatingcigarette smokingcircular staircasecircumcised penisclassclassroomcold the temperaturecolonelcomputerconcert hallcookingcovering male genetalia with a clothcrawling on the floordancerdancingdead grandfatherdictionarydoorbelldrinkdrinkingearphoneseatingeating from a frying panemigrationempty apartmenterectionescalatorex israeli soldierf wordfalling onto a bedfamily relationshipsfarnco israelifather son relationshipfather son reunionfearfeeling coldfemale oboe playerfightflash forwardflashbackflashing a lightfleeingfoodfrancefreezingfrenchfrench citizenshipfrench language teacherfriendfriendshipgay interestgendarmegoose down blanketgrandfather grandson relationshiphandshakehebrewhook for a handhumiliationhumminghusband wife relationshipididentityimitating a fightinsanityiraeli in franceisraelisraeliisraeli armyisraeli flagisraeli soldierjewjewishkey hidden under a rugkeyboardkissknocking on a doorlanguagelaughterlearning how to speak frenchlistening to musiclooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking out a windowmale bare buttmale frontal nuditymale full frontal nuditymale modelmale model admale nuditymale objectificationmale protagonistmale pubic hairmale rear nuditymale star appears nudemale underwearman and woman carry a naked manman dancesman dragged down the street by a vanman dressesman grits his teethman in a bathtubman in a showerman kisses a man on the cheekman licks his fingerman masturbatesman puts a finger up his anusman runs nakedman ties another man's necktieman touches his penisman undressesman wears a suit and tieman wears a tank topman wears a tuxedoman wears briefsman wears eyeglassesman wears tighty whitiesman wears underwearman with a beardman with a pierced lower lipmarriagemen's bathroommentally challenged manmicrophonemirrormoneymother son relationshipmotorcyclemotorcycle helmetmusicianname callingnarrated by characternationalismnaturalizationnightclubnotre dame cathedral parisoboeone word titleoptimismorchestraoverhead camera shotpalestinepalestinianparis francepastapenisphoto shootphotographphotograph on a computerphotographerplastic bagpostcardpubic hairrainreading aloudreference to a german shepherdreference to charles de gaullereference to emmanuel macronreference to francois hollandereference to francois mitterandreference to georges pompidoureference to jacques chiracreference to kurt cobainreference to muhammadreference to napoleon bonapartereference to nicolas sarkozyreference to pink floydreference to victor hugoreligionroommateroosterrudenessrue amelot parisrue solferino parisrunningrunning awayrunning down an escalatorsaying goodbyesecularismsecurity gatesecurity guardseductionseine riverseparation of church and statesexsex sceneshirtshopliftingshowersingersingingslide showslipping and fallingsmall apartmentsockssongspecial operationsstairwaystocking capstory tellingstreet lifesubjective camerasubwaysuggestive eatingsuicidal thoughtssurveillance cameratarget practicetighty whitiestoe touch exercisetomatotoothpastetoweltrying to break down a doortwo men on a motorycleumbrellauncle nephew relationshipviolinvitamin pillsvoice over inner thoughtsvoice over narrationwanting to dieweddingwhite bra and pantieswhite briefswoman dances with a womanwoman undresseswoman wears a bra and pantieswriting on someone's handwritten by directoryarmulkeyear 1905yellow overcoat
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