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Summary: A freelancing former U.S. Intelligence Agent tries to track down a mysterious package that is wanted by the Irish and the Russians.
Runtime: 2 h 02 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 55,000,000
Domestic: $ 41,616,262
Other Cast, Production

Other cast:

Tags / Keywords
1990sabandoned warehouseak 47americanamerican abroadamerican in europeamerican in parisarlesarms dealassassinationassault rifleattempted murderaudiaudi s8automatic weaponautomobilebarbazookabeardbetrayalblondebloodblood on camera lensblood splatterbmwbridgebriefcase chained to wristbritishbullet ricochetcafecameracapercaper crimecarcar accidentcar chasecar crashcarouselcasecell phonecell phone tracechasechild in jeopardychristmaschurch bellchurch choircia agentcigarettecigarette smokingcitroencitroen xantiacitroen xmcoffeecomputer expertconvoycup of coffeedeathdeceptiondesert eagledisarming a person with a gundisarming someonedouble crossdrivingdriving a carearphoneeiffel tower parisenglishmanescalatorex kgbexploding carexplosionf wordfalling from heightfemale gunfighterfemale stockinged legsfemale terroristfield tripfirearmfoot chasefrancefrenchgermangungun battlegunfightgunfighterhandcuffedhandcuffsheistheld at gunpointhero for hirehit with a car doorhonorice showice skatingimpostorinternational gangirairishirish accentirish republican armyirish terroristirish womanjeepjeep cherokeekisskiss on the lipslielong blonde hairluxury hotelm 16macguffinmachine gunmain character shotmale vomitingmanipulating a traffic signalmapmechanicmercedes benzmercenarymerry go roundminiaturemurdermurder of an innocent personneo noirnice franceno opening creditsnude pantyhosenylonsone word titleoriginal storyoutnumberedpantyhoseparis francepeugeotpeugeot 406peugeot 605peugeot expertpistolplanningpoliceposing as a married coupleposing as a touristposing as husband and wifeposing for a photographpreparationpubpunched in the facereckless drivingrecruitingremoving a bulletrenaultrenault safranerocket launcherrogue agentroman arenaroninrunning into a doorrussianrussian mafiasamuraiscalpelscreenplay adapted by authorscreenwriter credited under pseudonymseine riversexy womanshootoutshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the shouldershot in the stomachshot to deathsinn feinskating rinksleeping bagsnipersniper riflespeaking frenchspray paintstreet shootoutsubwaysuitcasesurgerysurprise endingsuspenseterrorismterroristterrorist groupthroat slittingtimeframe 1990stitle appears in writingtitle spoken by charactertour guidetouristtraitortunnel chase sceneuzivanviolencevolkswagenvomitingweaponweapon expertwoman wears a miniskirtwoman wears a skating dresswound
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