Summary: Two Los Angeles police detectives, cynical veteran Malloy and cocky rookie Dietz, hunt for a serial killer, an ex-cop named Taylor, who randomly chooses his victims from a phone directory.
Runtime: 1 h 32 min
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 4,000,000
Domestic: $ 6,985,999
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abused childabusive fatherblood splattercigarette smokingclothes dryercourtroomdead woman on beddead woman with eyes opendeathf wordfather complexfather son relationshipfemale nudityflashbackgarrotehusband wife relationshipindependent filmlapdlos angeles californiamaniacmother son relationshipmovie extramurdermurder investigationmurder of a nude womanneo noirnew partnernorman rockwell artpiano wirepolicepolice detectivepolice officerpolice proceduralpolice psychologistpsychopathreference to duke sniderreference to gil hodgesreference to johnny carsonreference to the son of samreference to tom lasordarevengesaxophoneserial killershavingshower curtainskipping ropeskylightsnorting cocainesongwriterstabbed in cheststraight razorstrangulationstropping razorsuicide by copsunset boulevardsuspensetelephone bookvillain as protagonistviolencewoman strangled to death
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