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Summary: Two crew members of a spaceship wake up from hypersleep to discover that all their colleagues are missing. Despite this, it appears that they are not alone.
Runtime: 1 h 48 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 33,000,000
Domestic: $ 10,330,853
International: $ 10,317,475
Tags / Keywords
31st centuryalienalien planetaudio communicationbabe scientistbare chested malebiologistbiologybladed weaponbloodblood splatterbonesbreaking a mirrorcannibalismchasechild in jeopardyclaustrophobiacommunications devicecontrol consolecorporalcorpsecreaturecreature featurecrushed to deathcult filmdeceptiondecomposing bodydestruction of planetdnadrowningear bleedingeartheaten aliveeating an insectelysiumend of mankindend of the worldengineerevil manexoplanetexploding bodyexploitationfalling down a shaftfalling from heightfar futurefearfight to the deathfighting with selffishflashbackflashlightflight crewfloodfood shortagefoot chasefuturegasgeneticsglow stickgoregothicgunhallucinationhand cut offhandheld weaponhanged manhanging upside downhead blown offheld at gunpointhull breachhuman baithuman in outer spacehusband wife relationshipimpalementincinerationindependent filminsanityinsectkicked in the headkicked in the stomachkiller childknocked outlaserlooking at oneself in a mirrormale corporalmale engineermale versus femaleman punches a womanmartial artsmass murdermechanical engineermemorymissionmurdermutantmutated humanmutationnews reportnosebleednuclear reactorone word titleouter spaceoxygen maskparanoiapeeling skinpitplanetplanet viewed from outer spaceplaying godpodpost apocalypsepower surgepredatorpsycho thrillerpsychotronic filmpunched in the facepunched in the stomachradioreference to noah's arkrevelationsavagesedativeself mutilationsevered handshaving off one's beardshort term memory lossshot in the headskeletonspaceshipspaceship settingspaceship underwaterspearspiderstabbed in the cheststabbed in the eyestabbed in the handstabbed in the headstabbed in the legstabbed in the neckstabbed in the stomachstabbed to deathstarship interiorstasis podsurprise endingsurvivalsurvival horrorsuspensetalking to oneselftattootattooed armthreatened with a knifethroat slittingthrowing a speartimeframe 31st centurytitle spoken by charactertraptrapped in spacetrapped underwaterunderwater sceneuniverseunmanned spaceshipvaultventvillainvillain as protagonistvivariumwaterfallweaponweapons firewoman punches a manwoman wears a maskwrenchwrist mounted weaponyoung boyyounger version of characteryounger version of self
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