Summary: A young man and his three younger siblings, who have kept secret the death of their beloved mother in order to remain together, are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.
Runtime: 1 h 50 min
Production: Lionsgate, Mediaset España, Marrowbone, Telecinco Cinema, Mogambo, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA), Movistar+, Lions Gate International, Lionsgate Productions
Distributor: Magnet Releasing
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 8,000,000
Domestic: $ 1,377
International: $ 12,293,554
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1960s20 year old20 year old man21 year old21 year old man21st birthday6 months laterabandoned houseabusive fatherabusive parentantiheroapologyasturiasattempted murderatticback to homelandbare chested malebarefoot femalebarefoot malebathtubbeachbechdel test failedbelief in ghostsbelief in witchcraftbirthdaybirthday giftblackmailblackmailerboard gamebody seizurebookbook as a giftboxboyboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbreaking a mirrorbreaking a windowbriton abroadbriton in usabroken mirrorbroken windowbrother brother relationshipbrother sister relationshipbulletbusiness cardcalendarcamera shot of a man's bare feetcamera shot of an eyecamera shot of bare feetcamera shot of eyescamera shot of feetcarrying someonecarrying someone on one's backcharacter appears in newspaperchildhood memorychimneychokingchronicleclimbing down a chimneyclimbing down a ropeclimbing down the inside of a chinneyclimbing up a ropeclose up of an eyeclose up of eyesconflict between brothersconsidering suicidecontractcounting moneycovered mirrorcovering a dead bodycovering someone's earscovering someone's mouthcracked mirrorcryingcrying boycrying femalecrying for helpcrying malecrying mancrying womandaydreamdaydreamingdead bodydead raccoondeathdeath of brotherdeath of motherdeath of sisterdeceptiondelusiondelusional mandicediscovering a dead bodydissociative disorderdoctordolldomestic abusedomestic violencedownpourdrawingdripping waterdrugged drinkdrugged juicedrugged lemonadeeavesdroppingeisoptrophobiaepilepsyestrangementeuropean in usaeuropean psychotronic filmfacial scarfailed expectationfaintingfainting manfake signaturefamily name in titlefamily relationshipsfamily secretfamily tragedyfantasizingfantasy scenefantasy sequencefarmfather hits sonfather son fightfather son relationshipfather son reunionfeeding a raccoonfemale librarianfightfinding a dead bodyflash forwardflashbackflashlightforbidden roomforbidden zoneforgeryframed photographframed photograph as a giftfriendgag reflexgameghostgiftgramophonegravegreedgreedy mangunshothand kissinghead injuryheadachehidden moneyhiding behind a doorhiding placehole in the ceilinghomeschoolinghummingill motherill womanillnessimaginary personinheritanceinvitationisolated houseisolationjealous manjealousykeykillerkilling a petkilling a raccoonkilling an animalkilling someone's petkiss on foreheadkissing someone's handknifelack of moneylawyerlearning the truthleg injurylemonadeletterlibrarianlibrarylielimpinglimping manlistening to musiclittle boylocked doorlocked inlocking a doorlonelinesslonely manlong haired malelooking at oneself in a broken mirrorlooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking glassloss of brotherloss of motherloss of sisterlovelove trianglelullabylying on the floormagnifying glassmale female fightmale objectificationmale star appears shirtlessman in a bathtubman kisses a woman's handman wears a leather jacketman wears a tank topman wears an open shirtman wears overallsmanipulative behaviormapmedicationmental breakdownmental illnessmentally ill protagonistmentally unstable manmirrormirror does not reflect realitymoneymoney countingmorsemorse codemother son relationshipmovingmoving inmultiple personalitymultiple personality disordermurdermurder attemptmysterious noisename in titlenarrated by characternarrated by protagonistnew namenewspaper clippingnewspaper headlinenipples visible through clothingno opening creditsnonlinear timelinenooseone word titleorphanorphaned siblings live aloneoutburstoverheard conversationpainting a ceilingpatricidepet raccoonphotographphotograph as a giftpointing a gun at oneselfpointing a gun at someoneposing for a photographpouring rainprincipality of asturiaspromisepsychiatric patientpsychiatristpsychological manipulationpsychopathpsychotronic filmpuzzle plotraccoonrainstormreading a letterreading a letter aloudreading aloudrepeated eventrepeated scenereunionriding a bikeriflerivalrivalryrockrocking chairromantic rivalromantic rivalryrope climbingrunning through the woodsrural settingscarschizophreniaschizophrenicschizophrenic manscreamscreaming girlscreaming womansecretseductive behaviorseductive manserial murdershootingshot to deathshotgunsigning a contractsitting on a rooftopsitting on stairssitting on tablesketchbooksleeping fully clothedsleeping on the floorsmelling clothessocial isolationson murders fatherspanish horrorspanish psychotronic filmspiral staircasesplit personalitystabbed in the neckstabbingstainstain on the ceilingstanding on a cliffstanding on a rooftopstormstrangulationsurprise endingsuspicionsuspicious manswindletaking a bathtaking a photographtaking off shirttaking off shoestalking to a raccoontalking to an animaltalking to oneselftank toptape recorderteam worktearing down a walltelephone calltelling someone to shut uptickettimeframe 1960stitle spoken by charactertold in flashbacktrain tunneltraumatraumatized boytraumatized girltraumatized mantraumatized protagonisttraumatized womantunneltwintwisted thrillerunreliable flashbackunreliable narratorunrequited lovevertigo shotviolenceviolent fathervisitvisitorvoice over narrationwalking on a rooftopwalking on train trackswalled up doorwashing one's handswatching someone sleepwatching tvwoman wears eyeglasseswoman wears pajamaswoundwriting a letterwritten by directoryear 1969
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