Watch NowShow more Long WeekendPlay Trailer Summary: When a suburban couple go camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood.Release Date: March 29, 1979Genres: Thriller, Horror, MysteryDirector: Colin Eggleston Colin EgglestonDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Everett De Roche Everett De RocheWriter Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 37 minMPAA: Not Rated Distributor: Viacom, Synapse Films, The Criterion Channel, Umbrella EntertainmentCountry: AustraliaLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 270,000 Cast Stars: Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Representation Tags / Keywords abortionaccidental killingacoustic guitaradulteryanimal attackanimal biteantapologyarrow carved into a treeattacked by an eagleaustraliaaustralian bushaustralian horrorautomobileaxebandaged handbare breastsbare chested malebarking dogbarmanbeachbird attackbitten in the handbottlebreaking an eggbug spraycampcampfirecampingcarcar radiocar stuck in mudcassette tapecattle truckchanging a tirechicken meatchild hit by a truckchildless couplechopping down a dead treecigarettecigarette smokingcockatoocovering a dead bodycreature featurecryingdead animaldead mandead womandeathdeath of husbanddogdog bowldolldoordouble bitted axedownward spiraldrinking beerdriving alonedriving at nightdriving in circlesducklingdugongdugong carcassdysfunctional marriageeagleeagle eggeggends with deathf wordface slapfade to blackfemale masturbationfishermanforestfour wheel drivefrozen meatgasoline cangoing homegrapeguitarhairy chested maleharpoonholidayhorror movie remadehuman versus animalhusband accidentally kills wifehusband wife relationshipindependent filminsecticidejapanese carjointkangarookangaroo hit by a carkangaroo run overkilling an animalknocking on a windowkoalalielighninglighting a cigarettelightninglizardlooking out a windowlostlying downlying on a bedman versus natureman wears a swimsuitmariticidemarriage problemsmarried couplenatural horrornature horrornature run amoknature takes revengenissannissan motor vehiclenissan patrolnovelopossumovertakingozploitationpantyhoseparking a carplayboy magazineplaying fetchplot twistproduced by directorpsychotronic filmrainremakerifleroad triproadkillrolling down a sand dunerun over by a truckrunningrunning over an animalscene during end creditsscene during opening creditsshot in the throatshot to deathsingingsnakespear gunspiderspiderwebsupernatural powersurfboardsurfingswimming in the oceantarget shootingtasmanian deviltelephonetelephone calltelescopic rifletelevisiontentthrowing a bottlethunderthunderstormtitle spoken by charactertopless sun bathingtopless womantorchtoweltragedytrucktruck drivertwo word titleunderwater sceneuse of bloody as epithetvacation gone wrongvery little dialoguewalletwedgetailed eagleweekendwhistlingwidowerwife kicks husband in the crotchwildernesswilderness vacationwoman masturbatingwoman smokerwoodsAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Critic Reviews: Total found: 4. Show in Search Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment