Critic Reviews:
Plugged In
Feb 14th 2023
12 Movies That Illustrate Love
It’s Valentine’s Day, which means that love and romance are on our minds. But it’s important to note that love isn’t just the domain of proms, candlelit dinners and weekends away from the kids. In fact, the guy for whom Valentine’s Day was named is said to have written the first Valentine’s note not to a romantic interest, but to a girl whom he cured of blindness. It’s said he was executed...
Kevin Chan
Dec 25th 2022
Meet Me in St. Louis, 1944 - ★★★★
To better understand the story behind the song (‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’) and this movie, we gotta take ourselves back to the winner of 1944. The Second World War was still raging around the globe. By then, it seemed just about everybody knew people who were fighting and dying. Meet Me in St. Louis was really MGM’s Christmas gift to America — a nostalgic reassuring look at...
Plugged In
Apr 5th 2022
Best Movies Streaming for Families in April 2022
We’re all have such different perspectives on life. When I say April, for instance, some of you will think of sunny spring days, budding trees, Easter morning. Others might drift toward cloudy thoughts of dripping rain, April Fools’ Day and, everyone’s favorite, tax day.
If you’re trending toward the murky over the merry, you might need a nice family movie night to cheer you up. So, here’s...
If you’re trending toward the murky over the merry, you might need a nice family movie night to cheer you up. So, here’s...
Conservative Film Buff
Feb 1st 2022
Where the Sidewalk Ends, 1950 - ★★★½
Extremely entertaining, but with a literary moral dilemma from Dana Andrews’s character worthy of (and probably inspired by) Javert from Les Misérables.
What does a man who tolerates no evil from himself or others do when an accident happens?
It’s a dark and riveting journey, whose major flaw is its ultimate neatness. That, and Tierney, who serves as an anti-femme fatale, could have been...
What does a man who tolerates no evil from himself or others do when an accident happens?
It’s a dark and riveting journey, whose major flaw is its ultimate neatness. That, and Tierney, who serves as an anti-femme fatale, could have been...
American Renaissance
Feb 10th 2020
Peter Pan in Blackface
Barnes & Noble tried to blackface our literature last week with “diverse editions” of 12 classic works. The covers all had images of non-whites to represent the title characters, all of whom have always been white. The titles were Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, The Secret Garden, The Count of Monte Cristo, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Emma, The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Treasure Island,...
VJ Morton
Jan 17th 2020
Movie Reviews: Bad Boys for Life, Dolittle, Les Misérables. Cunningham, Varda By Agnès
Sony Pictures
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