Last Action Hero
Summary: With the help of a magic ticket, a young movie fan is transported into the fictional world of his favorite action movie character.
Runtime: 2 h 10 min
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 85,000,000
Domestic: $ 50,016,394
International: $ 87,282,095
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1990s555 phone numberaction heroactor executive produceractor meets characteractor playing multiple charactersactor plays a dual roleactor plays himselfactress plays herselfair bag deployedairbagalternate universeanonymous tipanthropomorphic catantiheroasking a girl for her phone numberattack in a funeralattempted child murderattempted murderaxeaxe killerb moviebad guybad punbeardbearded manbeatingbetrayalbetrayal by friendbig truckblack and white sceneblack comedyblack eyeblockbuster videoblondeboyboy sidekickbrawlbreaking a glass windowbreaking the fourth wallbullet proof vestbulletproof vestcaliforniacalling someone an idiotcameo appearancecarcar chasecar crashcartoon catcartoon charactercartoon on tvcartoon reality crossovercatcaucasiancelebrities playing themselvescell phonecharacter asks who the hell are youcharacter says don't quit your day jobcharacter says i'll be backcharacter says to be or not to becharacter says trust mechasechild drives a carchild in jeopardychild with a gunchild's point of viewcigar smokingclassical musicclassical music loverclaudius charactercolumbia tristarcolumbia tristar home videocomic sidekickcorpsecorrupt copcounterfeit moneycranecriminalcult filmcult movie castculture shockdamsel in distressdead bodydead cousindead sondeathdeath characterdeath of cousindeath of sondeceptiondeja vudesert eagledie hard scenariodinosaurdisrupted funeraldivorcedivorced mandivorced police officerdobermandouble crossdriving through a walldynamiteelectrocutionescapismevil manexperience of a new environmentexploding bodyexploding carexploding fartexploding helicopterexploding houseexploding truckexpositionface slapfake cryingfalling from heightfalling off a rooffamily relationshipsfantasy sequencefart jokefastening seat beltfather daughter relationshipfather figurefictional characterfightfilm in a filmfilm premierefilm setfilm within a filmfired from a jobfish out of waterfistfightflame paintflashbackfriendlessfull moonfuneralganggang violencegangstergatling gungetting firedghettoglass eyegood versus evilgrim reapergun fugunfighthair pullinghamlet spoofhand grenadehand slaphandcuffed to a pipehandcuffshead through a wallhealingheld at gunpointhelicopterhelicopter attackhenchmanherohero versus villainhijacking a taxihollywood signhome invasionhomicidal maniachowie screamhuman monsterinsane maninsanityinside a movieinvisible barrierjumping from a rooftopkicked in the crotchkicked in the groinkicking in a doorkilled just before retirementkilled on the day before one's retirementkilling a strangerkissknife in the thighla brea tar pitla brea tar pitslasersightlens flarelife imitates artlifting someone into the airlive action and animationlos angeles californialos angeles police departmentlos angeles storm drainlovelying to bossmafiamagicmagical movie ticketman on fireman punches a womanmanhattan new york citymaniacmansionmartial artsmass murdermaverick copmexican standoffmobstermocking one's bossmother son relationshipmovie character comes to lifemovie cliquesmovie postermovie premieremovie reality crossovermovie referencemovie theatermovie ticketmovie villain comes to lifemurdermurder of a police officermurdered in a swimming poolmurdered with an axemurdering bossmushroom cloudneck breakingnerve gasnew york cityno friendsno opening creditsno title at beginningnun with a gunold manold man young boy relationshipopening action sceneparallel universepart animatedpersonification of deathplain clothes police officerplaying chickenpolicepolice stationpolonius characterpopcornpremature ejaculationpremature ejaculation jokeprojectionistpsycho murdererpsychopathpsychopathic murdererpsychotronic filmpulling hairpunpunched in the facepunching through a car windowrainrainy nightredheadreference to adolf hitlerreference to buffalo billreference to carnegie hallreference to christian mythologyreference to draculareference to freddy kruegerreference to godreference to greta garboreference to hamletreference to hannibal lecterreference to harrison fordreference to harry houdinireference to ingmar bergmanreference to jack nicholsonreference to jean claude van dammereference to jean harlowreference to king kongreference to laurence olivierreference to marilyn monroereference to retirementreference to sherlock holmesreference to sylvester stallonereference to terminator 2reference to the jokerreference to the wizard of ozreference to totoreference to toto the dogreference to wile e. coyotereference to william shakespearereference to wolfgang amadeus mozartroaringsame actor playing two characterssame actor playing two characters simultaneously on screensarcasmsatirescreamscreaming womansecond cousinself parodyself referentialself referential humorsemiautomatic pistolserial killerserial murdersharpshootershooting a strangershootoutshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the headshot to deathshowdownsidekicksingle motherskipping schoolslap on the wristslapping a womanspinning axespoofsqueezing a woman's buttstabbed in the legstatuestealing a carstereotypestuntsucked into the cinema screensunglassessurrealismsuspended copswitchbladeswordsword fightt 1000 terminator charactertalking to the audiencetartaxiterminatortheaterthreatened with a knifethree word titlethrown through a walltickettimes square manhattan new york citytough coptough girltough guytraumatrucktwo man armyurban decayuzivalet parkingvideo storevietnam war veteranvillainviolencewalking on the top of a carwarriorweaponwhite suitwidowwidowed motherwoman with a black eyewoman with a gunworking motherworking womanworried mother
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