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King Cobra

Summary: Veteran gay pornography producer Stephen battles two rival producers over the rights to his underage porn star creation, Brent Corrigan, with deadly results.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min
MPAA: Not Rated

Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 81,757
Other Cast, Production


Tags / Keywords
adult filmmakeradult filmmakingadult has sex with a teenage boyadult teenage boy relationshipafrican americanageismaliasamyl nitrateanal sexangerapartmentapologyapple computerarsonassistantauditionbackpackbarbaseball capbased on true storybeachbedbeerbehind the scenesblack americanblack leather jacketblood splatterbriefsbrother sister relationshipbuscameracar repossessioncelebrationcell phonechampagnechat roomcheesechildhood traumachorecleaning a toiletcloseted gaycoercioncomputercontractconvertiblecouragecrying mandebtdetectivedoorbelldrinkdrinkinge maileatingeyeglassesfake identificationfamily photographfamily relationshipsfearfellatiofilm producerfilmmakerflash camerafoodgaygay bargay bareback sexgay charactergay kissgay pornographygay sexgay slurgay songay teenagergay threesomegiftgiving a toastgold watchgungun held to headhairy chesthand down front of pantshands held up in the airhorsehorse ridinghorse stablehot tubidinternetinternet porninterviewing on camerajealousyjob interviewkisskiss on the cheeklicking one's lipslielistening to musiclittle boylittle girllooking at oneself in a mirrormale male kissmale nuditymale objectificationmale prostitutemale rear nudityman boy relationshipman has sex with a teenage boyman teenage boy relationshipman wears a crop topman wears a tank topman wrapped in a towelmaseratimasturbationmicrowave ovenmirrormoneymontagemother son relationshipmurdermurder investigationname callingname necklaceneighbororal sexorgasmparental consent releasepepper sprayphotographerplaying a video gamepolicepolice carpolice sirenpolicemanpomegranatepool boypopper the drugporn actorporn producerpornographerpornography industryprologuepromisereference to frederic chopinreference to george w. bushreference to traci lordsrejectionremote controlrestaurantsakescandalscene during opening creditsselfiesex montagesex scenesexual abuseshopping mallshowerslap on the buttslow motion scenesmelling someone's feetsodomyspeedingsportscarstabbed in the neckstabbed to deathstatutory rapesteak dinnerstory tellingsubjective camerasuburbsucking someone's toessuitcasesunbathingsurveillancesushi restaurantswimming poolswimsuitswitchbladeswivel chairtank toptaped interviewtattooteenage boytelephone callthreatthreat to killthroat slashingtowing a cartrademarktragic eventtv newsunderage sexunderwearundressingundressing someonevanvomitingvomiting in a toiletwaiterwashing a carwatching a video on a computerwatching tvwearing a wirewebsiteweightliftingyear 2006youtube
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