Journey's End
Summary: Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, it is the story of a group of British officers, led by mentally-disintegrating young Officer Stanhope, as they await their fate.
Release Date: February 02, 2018
Saul Dibb
Runtime: 1 h 47 min
Distributor: Good Deed Entertainment
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Domestic: $ 161,796
International: $ 809,013
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1910s1918 german spring offensivealcoholicall male castamiens franceammunitionapologyarmy service corpsartillery firebarbed wirebarnbased on a playbased on playbattalionbattlebattlefieldbedbegins with textbicyclebloodbloody noseblowing air on one's handsbookboybreadbritish armybritish officerbritish soldierbrother sister relationshipburning a lettercandlecaptaincapturecapturing an enemy soldiercensorshipchampagnechicken as foodcigarettecigarette casecigarette smokingcoffeecold the temperaturecolonelcombat fatiguecommandercompany commandercookcrawling on the groundcrosscrying mancutting face while shavingday date on screendead bodydeathdisillusionmentdrinkdrinkingdrinking problemdrunkdrunkennessdugoutdying with eyes openeatingeating someone else's letterends with textenvelopeex sxhoolmasterexplosionf wordfarmfather son relationshipfearfish as foodflareflare gunfoodfrancefrenchfriendfriendshipfrontlinefutility of wargamblinggas maskgas warfaregeneralgermangerman armygerman nicknamegerman prisoner of wargerman soldiergood luckgramophonegriefgunhomosexual subtexthorsehorse and wagonhorse ridinghusband wife relationshipillnessimitating gunfireinfantryintoxicatedkilled in actionknifeknocking on a doorlanternletter writinglewis gunlieutenantlighting a pipelighting someone's cigarettelistening to operaloss of a friendmachine gunmale camaraderieman wears eyeglassesmapmarchingmentally unstablemilitary attackmilitary officermudname callingnervesnervousnessnicknamenightmareno opening creditsno title at beginningnorthern franceofficerofficers messoverhead camera shotperiscopephotographpipe smokingplatoonpocket watchpointing a gun at someonepoisonputting someone to bedraidratreading a bookreading a letter aloudreference to a brigadier generalreference to a crocusreference to a forestreference to a pigreference to a pineapplereference to a quartermasterreference to a skylarkreference to alice's adventures in wonderland the bookreference to alisbury plain englandreference to allum green lyndhurst hampshire englandreference to an apricotreference to barford warwick englandreference to bignor hill sussex englandreference to chocolatereference to cocoareference to foie grasreference to godreference to horse meatreference to london englandreference to lyndhurst hampshiure englandreference to maidenhead berkshire englandreference to pepper the condimentreference to rugbyreference to sardinesreference to soho londonreference to southport pier englandreference to stone street londonreference to strawberry jamreference to sussex englandreference to the walrus and the carpenterrespiratorrevolverrifleringroll callrumsergeant majorsharing a cigaretteshavingshootingshot in the chestshrapnel woundshushing someonesingersingingsleepingsmoke bombsmoke grenadesmoke screensnipersongsoupst. quentin francestory tellingstraight razorstretcherstretcher bearersubjective camerateatelephonethreat of desertionthrowing uptimeframe 1910strenchtrench raidtrench warfaretruckuncle nephew relationshipurinationvoice over lettervomitingwaitingwar rationingwar ruinswar trenchwar wearinesswar wearywar woundwestern frontwhiskeywhisperingwhistlewineworld war onewoundyear 1918
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